Matt Million is a 24-year-old professional racing driver from San Marcos, California. Starting at the age of five, Matt has spent 20 consecutive years in competition from karts to cars.
Despite tough financial hurdles and no family links to the sport, Matt has persevered against the odds with dedication, talent, and persistence. He is committed to developing into the best motorsport professional he can be. With a skillset and passion for GT racing, Matt is constantly seeking new opportunities to move his career forward.
He currently works full-time as lead trackside coach and member services at The Thermal Club near Palm Springs, California specializing in BMW M road and race cars. He has worked at Allen Berg Racing Schools, DG Spec, various OEM’s, and private coaching.
In 2022, he graduated with summa cum laude honors from CSUSM’s College of Business Administration with his degree in Global Business.
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Matt is actively seeking to bring partners onboard with his mission to becoming a professional driver. Without partners, the journey would not be possible.